
Selected articles, boock chapters and papers

A novel approach to work towards gender-responsive urban climate policy. In: Environment & Urbanization, Volume 36 Issue 1, April 2024,

Gender perspective of climate justice. In: European Public Mosaic, 18/2022,

How to make Germany’s climate policy gender-responsive. Experiences from research and advocacy, with Diana Hummel, Ulrike Röhr, and Immanuel Stieß. Book chapter in: Magnusdottir, G. L., & Kronsell, A.: Gender, Intersectionality and Climate Institutions in Industrialised States, 2021. Routledge.

How the European Green Deal can address gender dimensions of climate policies, in EEB/WECF: Why the European Green New Deal Needs Ecofeminism. Moving from gender-blind to gender-transformative environmental policies, 2021.

Interdependente Genderaspekte der Bedürfnisfelder Mobilität, Konsum, Ernährung und Wohnen als Grundlage des urbanen Umweltschutzes. Gender Mainstreaming für eine zielgruppenspezifischere, effektivere urbane Umweltforschung, with Dr Jana Rückert-John et al, Dessau 2021,

Interdependente Genderaspekte der Klimapolitik, GenderCC, ISOE und Wuppertal Institut. UBA 2020,

Engendering Urban Climate Policy, in: Friends of the Earth, C40 Cities: Why Women Will Save the Planet, 2018.
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Wie gegendert ist die New Urban Agenda?, in: RaumPlanung, Fachzeitschrift für räumliche Planung und Forschung, Sep/Okt 2017.
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Gender and urban climate policy. Tackling cross- cutting issues towards equitable, sustainable cities, with Ulrike Röhr and Kate Cahoon, in: Susan Buckingham, Virginie Le Masson (eds.): Understanding Climate Change through Gender Relations, 2017.
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Urban global environmental change: from a gender and equity perspective, with Kate Cahoon, in: Karen C. Seto, William Solecki, Corrie A. Griffith (eds.): The Routledge Handbook on Urbanization and Global Environmental Change, 2016.
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Into the cities: Developing and supporting resilient, sustainable, and gender-responsive urban environments, with Kate Cahoon, in: IUCN, GGCA: Roots for the Future: The Landscape and Way Forward on Gender and Climate Change, 2015.
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Gender and Urban Climate Policy. Gender-Sensitive Policies Make a Difference. Guidebook, 2015.
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Die sozialen Dimensionen von Klimawandel und Klimapolitik (Social dimensions of climate change and climate policy), in: Carolin Schröder, Heike Walk (eds): Genossenschaften und Klimaschutz. Akteure für zukunftsfähige, solidarische Städte, 2014.
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Gendered access to green power, in: Margaret Alston and Kerri Whittenbury (eds): Research, Action and Policy: Addressing the Gendered Impacts of Climate Change, 2013.
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Gender, Cities and Climate Change, background study for UN HABITAT’s Global Report on Human Settlements 2011.
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Gender perspectives: debunking climate policy myths (with Minu Hemmati), for the Commonwealth Ministers, 2011.

Gender and Climate Change Policy, in: UNFPA, IIED (eds.): Population Dynamics and Climate Change, 2009.
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Gender into climate policy. Toolkit for climate experts and decision-makers (with Ulrike Röhr, Tina Flegel, Catherine Mungai, Felicia Davis, Minu Hemmati). GenderCC – Women for Climate Justice, 2009.
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Reality and Perspectives of Climate Policy in Cities, in: European Climate Forum: Climate Change and the Cities of the Future. Art, Technology and Economics in the face of Climate Change. ECF Working Paper 4/2009.
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Energieregionen in Österreich (Energy Regions in Austria), in: D. Keppler, H. Walk, E. Töpfer, H.-L. Dienel (eds): Erneuerbare Energien ausbauen! Erfahrungen und Perspektiven regionaler Akteure in Ost und West (Expand Renewable Energies! Experience and Perspectives of regional players in the East and in the West), 2009.

Governing Climate Change in Cities: Modes of Urban Climate Governance in Multi-level Systems, with Kristine Kern, in: OECD: Competitive Cities and Climate Change. OECD Conference Proceedings, Milan, Italy, 9-10 OCTOBER 2008.
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